
Projects and exhibitions:


- Tilburg Fietst Festival 2018

- Woodworking symposium, Mehmels, Germany

- Winner design prize Kunst in het Volkspark, Enschede


- ‘Bike - Design - City’, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Switzerland

- Lecture 'Objects & Vehicles' Qua Art Qua Science, Twentse Welle, Enschede

- TecArt, Rotterdam


- Turboproat (Pecha Kucha) Petpaviljoen Enschede

- Solo exhibition “Objects & Vehicles #2”, Petpaviljoen Enschede

- Kunstenlandschap 2016, Lonneker


- ‘Cycle Revolution’ Design Museum London, UK

- ‘Demarrage’ - Le Grand Depart, Kunstliefde Utrecht

- Twente Biënnale, “Part 77” - “Part 19”


- Nominated for ‘Rode Loper Award’ 2014

- Gogbot 2014, “Laidback”

- Green Dot Awards, 1st prize winner, Sawyer

- Green Dot Awards, Honnorable Mention, Laidback

- Landart project ‘Furniture” Wijngoed Kranenburg, Vorden

- “Bike Show” Yorkshire Festival

  Gallery@The Civic, Barnsley, UK

- Design award for Laidback project.

  Exhibition IF Awards Taipei 2014 Bicycle show Taiwan

- Exhibition “Free Wheel”

  Cyclepedia, Iconic Bicycle Design

  Design Museum Holon, Israel


- Enjoy the Crisis, Art Exhibition Space. “Objects & Vehicles”

- Twente Biënnale, “Making Money”

- Design award for Sawyer project.

  Exhibition IF Awards Taipei 2013 Bicycle show Taiwan


- Bicycle design workshop Taichung.

- Organization en participation exhibition ‘De Laatste Dag’

   Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.

- Kunstroute Borculo, “objects and vehicles”.

- Project “Laidback movie”.

- Project “Laidback”.

- Landart project and exhibition Kirsten Kjaer Museum, Denmark.

- Grobup exhiition ‘Binnen-Buiten’ Kunstlokaal 11 Borculo.

- Group exhibition ‘Enjoy the Crisis’ at the Twente Biënnale Hengelo.


- Enjoy  the Crisis at the Twente Biënnale.

- COTY FBI, Amsterdam.

- Project Da Lowa/Sawyer.

Awards & Nominees

- Kunst in het Volkspark Design Prize 2018

- Nominee ‘Rode Loper Award’ 2014

- Green Dot Honorable Mention - 2014 Laidback

- Green Dot Award 2014 - Sawyer

- IF Design Award 2014 - Laidback

- IF Design Award 2013 - Sawyer




Book publications

- The wooden bicycle - 2017

- Wheel and Deal - 2015

- 1001 Bikes - 2014

Magazine and web publications

Salt Magazine, Uppercase Magazine, AD, Tubantia, Kijk, JetGala, Designboom, RoadCC, The Awesomer, Gizmag, Want, Trendhunter Coolzone, Gigamen, Rocketnews 24, Tutschek, TreCool, MonkeyZen, Visual Overdose, HongKong Daily and many more..